Obi’s Priorities
Thriving Families
Obi envisions our district to be the best place to raise a child, start a business, and retire with dignity. He wants to build an economy that that works for everyone, which means we need to empower and encourage more pro-worker people to lead and own more businesses. He will prioritize the needs of workers, parents and seniors, by solving the childcare affordability crisis, reducing energy bills, advocate for affordable prescription drugs, and deliver tax relief for working people through the expansion of the Colorado Child Tax Credit and Earned Income Tax Credit. Obi will support the growth of our small businesses by addressing labor shortages, reducing costs and making it easier to start a business, and helping them train and retain talent.
Housing Choice for All
Our seniors deserve the choice to downsize; our workforce deserve the choice to live where they work; our youth deserve the choice to rent and work their way towards homeownership. I'll deliver choice to all residents by supporting policies that foster a range of housing choices for all generations, from single-family homes to townhouses and duplexes. This will support business growth (increased consumer demand and workforce capacity) and a sense of community. We'll make building processes faster and more affordable, and enable incentives that encourage development while avoiding displacement and climate impacts. We can do this without displacement, which is why we need just cause for eviction.
Bright Futures
Invest deeply in our children's futures, support fully-funded public schools, reduce student loan burdens, implement workforce development programs that bridge the skills gap, and foster equal opportunities for learners of all backgrounds.
Student debt: eliminate all private and public student debt; tuition-free community college (regardless of profession); a state-wide college savings program (where the state will offer matching contributions to college savings plans for all families). We’ll expand eligibility for existing programs and create new ones (like state-funded scholarships and grants) specifically designed to support non-traditional and part-time students, who often juggle education with work and family responsibilities.
People-Powered Progress
Elevate the voices of working families and middle class residents, fight against economic inequality through living wages, support unions and workers' rights, and commit to supporting the rights and wellbeing of Colorado's labor force.
Democracy in Action
Defend and expand voting rights, fight against gerrymandering for fair representation, champion policies that promote transparency, accountability, and faith in public service in Colorado's government, ensure reproductive and LGBTQIA+ rights, and make certain every voice is heard.
Health, Hope, and Healing
Ensure every Coloradan accesses affordable, quality healthcare, strengthen mental health and addiction treatment services, and uplift those struggling in our communities.
A Clean Economy
Invest in Colorado's long-term economic growth and stability, protect the well-being of our communities, support clean energy initiatives, modernize infrastructure, and create high-quality jobs in industries that reduce pollution, preserve clean air and water, and contribute to a thriving future for generations to come.