Councilman Obi Ezeadi Launches BIPAC: A PAC to Provide Strategic Funding And Elevated Access for Minority Candidates For Office

February 1, 2023

Westminster, Colorado – On February 1st, Obi Ezeadi, the second Black councilor in all of Westminster’s history, announced the launch of BIPAC, a Political Action Committee (PAC) designed to provide resources for minority candidates in future elections across Colorado politics.

BIPAC is a PAC created to provide not just funding but also a network where underrepresented candidates can gain access to funds, volunteers, and strategic guidance, elements often hard to come by for people of color. The greater representation will yield the inclusion of unique perspectives on issues of labor, employment, healthcare, education, immigration, and more.

BIPAC is a response to the fact that minority legislators hold roughly only a quarter of all one hundred seats in the Colorado State legislature, which falls below parity with their combined state population. Several key districts have never had a minority legislator, and the numbers across municipal and county offices are far worse. The candidate pool in Colorado primaries and general elections also fall far below parity with the population. And at the federal level, only 23% of the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate were racial or ethnic minorities in the 117th Congress.

Having experienced the struggles of an outsider candidacy firsthand, Obi created BIPAC to serve as a beacon of hope and hand-up for the next generation of non-traditional candidates with unique backgrounds. BIPAC will provide financial and strategic support and partner with existing training organizations that can provide essential know-how to help them succeed in their campaigns.

“Americans are tired of the same old politics. The Colorado Democratic party is in need of a refresh, and providing a resource like BIPAC is the exact way to do that,” said Ezeadi. “As a first-generation American, I know that the potential for leadership knows no boundaries, and BIPAC will provide critical financial access and guidance not typically afforded to minority candidates.”

For more information about BIPAC or to schedule an interview with Councilman Ezeadi, please email

Follow Obi on all social media platforms: @voteobi